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Testimonials & Client Success

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Testimonials &
Client Success

We created the Drop Diabetes Program to simplify getting consistent lower blood sugars without meds or restriction, so that people with Type 2 can gain the freedom to enjoy food and life without the worry of diabetes.

Client Success Highlights


Christine lowered her A1c from 7.9% to 5.5% in the first 3 months, and cut her medications in half (while still enjoying her favorite restaurants).

Client Video Testimonials

What people are saying...

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Megan and her drop diabetes program changed my life. I was on the verge of being put on medication when I was first diagnosed, but with Megan’s help, I was able to lower my A1C to 5.4% and lose weight in 3 months!


She taught me how to nourish my body in a healthy way, and to approach life/ eating differently. With her help and education, I was able to use the tools she gave me to modify my lifestyle and learn how to make better choices.


It was incredible to know that I wasn’t restricted to an intense diet/exercise program that wouldn’t fit with my life. I know I can go back to my lessons or Megan anytime for accountability/ a refresh and it’s amazing to have someone like Megan in your corner! I can’t thank her enough!



Doing the program has been great. One thing I really appreciate is the individual approach Megan uses. So much better than a one size fits all approach I have experienced in the past.


The Drop Diabetes Program has all helped me change my all-or-nothing thinking, which has really helped me make progress and lower my a1c to 7.7% so far. 



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